The initiative for the establishment was initiated by the surgeon of the then Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Clinical Center of Serbia, and was supported by the collegium of our most important institutions.
Later, the successors of this Institute, and once the Second Surgical Clinic, the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery and the Clinic for Vascular Surgery.
The main goal of UKVHS is the scientific and professional association of doctors and associates who deal with cardiovascular surgery and related disciplines, in the country and abroad.
In addition to the above, the Association intends to facilitate the improvement and promotion of this extremely important branch of medicine through open cooperation with the social community, legal and natural persons.
By presenting the achievements of our cardiovascular surgery in Europe and the world, UKVHS will make its best contribution to the inclusion of our country in the international community.
Convinced that only through joint, selfless engagement, we can ensure prosperity and the place it deserves for Serbian Cardiovascular Surgery and Medicine, we cordially invite all colleagues and others interested to join UKVHS.
Founded in 2001 in Belgrade, UKVHS strives to scientifically connect doctors, improve and promote cardiovascular surgery in Serbia and abroad.
UKVHS was founded on December 14, 2001 in Belgrade.
Scientific and professional connection in the field of cardiovascular surgery.
Promotion of cardiovascular surgery through open cooperation with the community.
Invitation to colleagues and interested parties to join UKVHS.
The main goal of UKVHS is the scientific and professional association of doctors and associates who deal with cardiovascular surgery and related disciplines, in the country and abroad.
+381 (11) 361 0880
Dr. Koste Todorovića 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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